I complete forgot to write a blog the past two weeks. Before it was just me being now its just because I don't know what day it is. I even got a few emails that were like "Hey are you still alive?" The answer to that question is yes I am alive and I am feeling rather Napoleon-esk.
I've been running on a different frame of mind and I different type of energy and although crazy as that might sound its great. Its great to be moving forward with the pub/brewery although we still don't have a name for it. I sent out most of my stuff and I am waiting on a response from a few people on what I need to fix where to make sure that the funding for the pub is secure. $200,000 of debt and dreams here I come!
In other news I knew that I would somehow mess a few things up! So I am prepared with July's new desktop already for you. This one is now in standard monitor form but! If you would prefer widescreen leave me a comment or send me a message :D For some reason though it is on photobucket which is odd but eh. I'm rolling with it :D
I had an awesome Father's Day and I am hoping everyone else did too. Now that I have said that today is the first day that I start training for the Pub/Brewery in the form of being a Cafe Manager. Lame I know right but I actually need to build my resources and customer handling services. I can't just send the person at table 4 an email to apologize I have to be face to face with them and offer them a free drink or meal on us sometime. So as long as I am hard at work being insanely insane I am still going to run my graphic design business too. That means outside of etsy and on etsy you might still randomly see me pop up. Or if you have my yahoo you will still see me all the time. There are so many projects that I do at once anyway that it doesn't matter. I love micro-managing myself and games. So this wont at all be extra for me. It will just make me semi-normal. Lol, with that being said here is some pretty for you pretties....
Lol, I haven't posted a wallpaper or tutorial since oh idk February and with that being said I have to step up my game. Get back in the saddle! I may not write a blog every day of the month but I can at least do it 2-3 times a week. Its not that I HAVE to but I SHOULD. It keeps my vocabulary strength strong and helps me with laying out designs and showing you guys what I have been doing. If you've noticed around everywhere my design has changed again. The last design seemed to be lost in translation so here I am with a new one. I really like this new one and think that I might keep it for a while...or until I get bored. I have to update the website but haven't had the right layout for it yet. I have been building different ones and I think I found one that works so expect to see me writing about that soon. So with the new design I am trying a ton of different techniques most of which you will see in the new backgrounds. Normally the background is random but in this case its just a ClemArt background except its only in widescreen at the moment. Let me know if you need it in a different format other than that enjoy!
I was clicking through blogs and I saw that Leah had posted a picture of her son in a power rangers outfit. I remember when I was growing up my mom actually made the customs for us. The Power Rangers one that is. I remember one year being the green ranger and next the white ranger. I was always up on the latest Power Ranger trends but I mainly picked those characters because I thought the guy playing it was hot. Turns out that the character in the show turns into a Doctor who would have thunk eh? It got me all nostalgic. So I think that I should do something very fun and playful artwise. Maybe make a blog background or draw on graham crackers. Who knows! In other news operation brewery pub is going well I think. Spent 98% of the weekend working on the business plan and its looking like some back robbing is in order. Other than that everything is shaping up rather nicely.
GWAR! I can't not post a blog. Lol, I love following myself. Its like a personal stalker who knows you but not really. Lol, anyway how is everyone? Span-fucking-tacular I awesome? I myself am in a happy mood. The whole Justin staying with me thing is going well especially since we technically only spend 4 days with each other. I get my time while he is at work and he gets his time while he is playing world of warcraft. I also harass him daily regardless which keeps me in shape for the "Harrass-a-lympics". In more business news I write for Indie Columbus but haven't written anything. I am too busy being Clem for that. I barely find time for the U-Weekly articles. Lets see I own my own business, I'm a freelance writer, and I am opening a pub/brewery...wait whats that you say? For the past month me and Justin have been laying down the ground work for a pub/brewery. When things are official officialofficial we will run around screaming "we are the champions" while drinking Vernor's and slapping people on the back. In other less trendy news I am still designing just less now. I had this big push and then I was like eh *shrugs shoulders* and I began to focus more on the pub/brewery. Also I am trying to work out my amount of social interaction. I seem to be a binge social. I will go out for a whole week non-stop and then spend months just relaxing in the shade. The problem is I miss alot and should probably get my hiney into gear. So expect a few new things in my shop as soon as I figure out what they are going to be. I randomly throw out ideas to Faeried Treasures and she is always like "Bologna, Chicken, and Red? How is that a background." Lol, needless to say my thought process is not so great. Also I broke my Hairspray disc! I am doomed!!!!!
Last night I went to a meeting of the minds more or less. These guys were high players in Columbus and here I was the recent college graduate with a business and another one on the way. I was the only one there who uses a pc and not a mac and I was also the only one without an i-phone. I was completely out of my element and it was like panic. The conversation was so well intertwined about things in Columbus and I was like *eats cheese square*. GOOD GOD WOMAN, am I not a young professional??? Have I fallen off the map????? That whole idea and panic sensation carried into my dream world in which I had nerdmares. I for some reason had designed Justin's new site and people were asking "you aren't going to keep it that way are you?" or "Looks kinda first rate" and I was like NOOOOOOOOOO! So other than that you guys can check out my testing ground for blog backgrounds. I change the background once or twice a week and I test out color schemes and formats. Which in this case is a way for you all to preview in a more direct way. Currently I am testing out a few steampunk inspired ones. The ones I like will go up in the shop the ones I dont like you will only see once on the blog and probably never again.
I've started putting up the new stuff in my shop. If you guys notice I added two blog backgrounds and there is more on the way. You can expect to see new banners and new banner sets also. So that gives you a bigger chance to expand from blog to shop. I also going to put back up the listing for card design and a few other goodies which is also a general plus. I got my package from Auntie Dis today and loved my candle! I even left her some feedback that went a little something like this: "Oh, whats that? Amazing? Oh yes it is very amazing. I love the way my bedroom smells and the way she gave me extra goodies and I also love her so that works too. Amazing and if you dont agree something is wrong with you....horribly wrong with you." So that means its the honest to Clem truth on how awesome it is. I got a sample of the Sweet Orange and Chili Pepper and when this Cactus Sea Salt runs itself down that will be my next grab.