Sunday, April 19, 2009

For the fishes

I just broke my ipod shuffle charger. Which leaves me the opitions of a. buying a new one or b. shelling out 56 dollars and going to the pawn shop and grabbing my ex's ipod touch that I bought for them oh way long long ago.Decisions decisions decisions.
In other news how is everyone?
I got that gig in Arizona doing posters/flyers for bands but its kinda lame. The guy has no idea what he is doing or how to go about it. I spent 25-30 mins the other day fixing someone elses photoshop mistake and then its like the ugliest piece of design work. But thats not my place. All I know is that when someone doesn't know what they are doing it makes it harder to do what you do.
In more exciting news(things dont make me gd monkey balls)I am working on operation blog backgrounds and they are looking pretty nice. Now all I have to do is actually put them up on etsy for you guys to like buy them or see them.

Here is a little preview of one of the backgrounds:


Nemesis_Productions said...

Very nice. I want a fancy schmancy (spooky) background for my blog.


DeeCee said...

Your design ideas amaze me. You are truely fantastic. Love the sample you teased us with.

ClemArt Design said...

Lol, *does magic treat and a blog background appears thats spooky*

ClemArt Design said...

Aww thanks DeeCee makes me feel like a champ :D